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APC - Community Services Inc is a social welfare organization that provides various services in the areas of health and wellness, advocacy, domestic violence prevention, HIV/AIDS awareness, youth, and mentorship. Founded in 1996 as a private consulting partnership, APC has since evolved into a social, economic and educational agency. Our mission is to provide services that enhance the quality of life for individuals and families in need. We believe in empowering individuals to achieve their full potential and creating a better future for our communities.



Diabetes Prevention/ Management

This Diabetes  community Intervention program began 4 years ago with a Grant from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention,  administered by the New York City Department of Health and Mental  Hygiene.  This  Diabetes  Prevention Program (DPP) is an evidenced based one year program one year,  consisting of sixteen week workshop sessions ( CORE) followed by six once a month session ( POST CORE). Topics covered in this programs include- Be a fat and  calorie Detective, Ways to eat less fat and fewer calories, Healthy Eating, Move Those Muscles, Being Active a Way of Life, Tip the Calorie Balance, Take Charge of What's Around You, Problem Solving, Four Keys to Healthy Eating Out, Talk Back to Negative Thoughts, The Slippery Slope of Lifestyle Change, Jump Start Your Activity Plan, Make Social Cues work for you, You can Manage Stress, and Ways to stay Motivated.


This work was expanded to include Diabetes Self-Management program. This is a six weeks interactive workshop for people living with type 2 Diabetes. This evidenced based program was designed by Stanford University in Connecticut, to help individual develop strategies for managing their diabetes. Participants in this program learned the principles of healthy eating, and benefits of being physically active as they were motivated to enjoy a healthy a healthy and dynamic life with diabetes. The topics covered were how to manage diabetes symptoms, tiredness, pain and emotional issues, as well as Understanding diabetes and diabetes treatment, Healthy eating ,Being physically active, Taking medicine, Checking your blood sugar, Reducing your risk for other health problems. Learning to cope with stress, depression, and other concerns

 Participants have access and continue to access workshops, food demonstration, farmers market exposure and education, receive Health Bucks ( It is coupon) that can be used  at  Farmer's Market, and  Green Grocery stores to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. They will also be able to access weekly Health Education classes



1. Improve Strategies to manage Diabetes


2.  Being more physically Active


Objectives: By the end of this program participants will be able to:

1. Practice healthy eating

2. Lower A1C  level  20-30%

3. Improve Physical Activity level to 150 mins a week (30 mins daily)

Hypertension Prevention/ Management

High Blood pressure is described as the silent killer. The number of Americans at risk for heart attacks and strokes just got a lot higher. An estimated 103 million U.S. adults have high blood pressure, according to new statistics from the American Heart Association. That’s nearly half of all adults in the United States. 

How to prevent high blood pressure naturally?

By living a healthy lifestyle, you can help keep your blood pressure in a healthy range and lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. A healthy lifestyle includes:


  • Eating a healthy diet.

  • Maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Getting enough physical activity.

  • Not smoking.

  • Limiting alcohol use.



Healthy Diet


Choosing healthful meal and snack options can help you avoid high blood pressure and its complications. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and


Choosing healthful meal and snack options can help you avoid high blood pressure and its complications. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating foods low in salt (sodium) and high in potassium can lower your blood pressure.


Maintain a Healthy Weight


Physical Activity


APC Conducts 6-8 weeks classes to teach participants how to reduce their risk of getting High Blood Pressure

Mentoring (Career)

APC Community Services career mentoring program was designed in response to the significant number of school dropouts in Brooklyn. This program is designed to deal with motivational problems interfering with the academic achievement of teens. For many of these teens, Relevance was the missing ingredient in their school work.  If they saw no purpose to what they were studying, it was difficult to stay motivated to work hard at it, even when their aptitudes and skill levels presented no problems.


This program is based on self discovery and tapping into the talents and abilities by helping students develop their own career goals. It has been noted that teen who are focused on designing specific career goal, for example, will be motivated to pursue a similar careers

We have discovered that young people who quit school don't just suddenly drop out; it's more of a slow fade. Typically it begins in the seventh grade, if not earlier, often when they are dealing with issues of peer pressure and trying to find themselves. 


Our program analyses each participant’s skills and ability, as well as explores career interests. These mentees are then assigned mentors in the career field they are aspiring to. As the youths participate in this program, parents’ involvement is critical. Upon completion of this program, the youths are offered opportunities for internships in their chosen career field.


Violence Prevention

Domestic, dating and sexual violence are challenging and pervasive problems in our community, causing victims, as well as witnesses and bystanders, in every area to suffer incalculable pain and loss. In addition to the lives taken and injuries suffered, partner violence shatters the sense of well-being that allows people to thrive and develop to their fullest potentials.

It also can cause health problems that last a lifetime, and diminish children’s prospects in school and in life.  New York State has made progress in the last few decades in addressing this violence, resulting in welcome declines – but there is more work to do to implement the strategies that hold the most promise.

APC Community Services is committed to teaching the next generation that violence is wrong, training more health care providers to assess patients for abuse, implementing workplace prevention and victim support programs, and making services available to all victims including immigrants and children who witness violence. These programs are done in churches and community settings. The goal is to STOP the violence though education and empowerment.

Seminars/ Workshops

  • Maternal and Child Health
    New York State/ City is experiencing a crisis in Maternal and Child Health especially among African Americans and Hispanics and have established the Maternal Mortality Review Committee The vision of the MMRC is to reduce preventable maternal mortality, and to eliminate inequities in this outcome. The mission is to gain a holistic understanding of the contributing factors leading to death by reviewing each mother’s story; and to use the information gathered during the review to inform recommendations to prevent future deaths. This report provides pregnancy-associated maternal mortality data and MMRC recommendations based on the Committee’s 2021 review of 57 maternal deaths that occurred in 2019. APC has collaborated with the NYC DOHMH to respond to this crisis by conducting a workshop entitled Healthy Moms! Healthy babies! This program was sponsored by NYC DOHMH. We will continue this work in 2024 and beyond.
  • Education/ Health (Prevention)
    These seminars will focus on areas of health education and promotion such as: stress management, exercise, drinking enough water, eating healthy to prevent diseases,, adequate rest, positive attitude and an holistic approach to health and wellness.
  • Women's Health Issues
    This program will focus on all areas of women’s health. This will be done in the form of seminars, lectures and interactive workshops that focus on women’s health across the life span. Presentations will be made on: Tips on maintaining optimum health, reducing risk for breast cancer, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. There will also be presentations on dealing with menopause, lupus and other autoimmune diseases.
  • Men’s Health Issues
    Men’s health will focus on all aspects of men’s health including but not limited to: How to obtain optimum health, reducing risk for hypertension, prostate cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. We will also focus on men’s health issues across the life span
  • Nutrition
    Eating a balanced diet is a key to good health. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, various colors, the brighter the color the better for your health. Eat at least 9 servings of fruit and vegetables. They give your body hundreds of different nutrients that supports your vision, protect your cell membranes, support normal DNA function and stability and helps you recover from stress among other things. It is also wise to eat complex carbohydrates and stay away from refined foods. In our Nutrition seminar we will teach you how to eat for health, by combining your foods wisely and cooking your foods properly. We will teach you what to eat to reduce your risk for hypertension, cancer, heart disease and other conditions. ​
  • Children's Health Issues
    The health of children is of paramount importance. Parents need to ensure that they are fed properly in order to build up their skeletal structure, immune system and protect their cells. Feed your child wisely so as to maintain health. In this workshop parents and children are taught how to prepare healthy meals and snacks. They get to learn in an interactive and fun way; also they are taught how to avoid harmful foods.
  • Stress Management
    Stress is the wear and tear our body experiences as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. Knowing how to manage stress is the key to obtaining optimum health. This seminar will teach you how to manage the stress in daily life.
  • Cancer Awareness / Prevention ( Proper diet/ exercise etc)
    Breast, colon, prostate cancers are now claiming every forth life in America. Cancers seem to be caused by exposure to certain environmental factors such as where you live and work; also what we eat and drink as well as what we breathe may determine whether we become a cancer statistic. Our seminar will teach you how to reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Chronic Disease Prevention
    This seminar series will discuss strategies to prevent chronic diseases such as: diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular. The focus will be on life style changes such as diet, exercise and quality of life issues. Remember you can be healthy by making the right choices.
  • Youth Empowerment and Identity Issues
    Youths are the generation of tomorrow, they are valuable resources. We need to invest in them today and mentor them so that they can become effective mentors leaders tomorrow. This seminar will focus on issues of the youths such as knowing one’s self, respect for one’s self and others, respect for authority, developing talents and abilities, peer pressure, being different, positive thinking and making a difference in society. ​
  • Empowerment and Building Self-esteem
    Self-esteem can be defined as one’s feeling of self- competence and self-worth. Self-competence is a generalized sense of one’s own efficacy or ability to deal effectively with life’s challenges and to attain challenging goals. This seminar/workshop will teach you how to discover who you are and how to feel good about yourself and your abilities.
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The experienced staff at APC is efficient and concerned about health needs in the community. Our goal is to educate people to make informed decisions and choices about their health. Remember that the solution to most health problems today does not depend on physicians, technological advances, or on the quality of our hospitals. Our health is determined largely by our lifestyle choices, our physiological inheritance and our physical environment. We are available to conduct seminars and workshops for large and small groups. APC conducts health seminars nationally and internationally on the following topics:


Cooking Classes

APC conducts Plant Based Cooking Classes for  people with chronic diseases or individuals who want to transition to Healthy Eating (See Videos)

Cooking Class
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